DoggiesDog- Extend Your Dogs Life

Increase the Lifespan of your Dog by 134% Now

Most dog owners feed their pets commercial pet food that they buy from stores. It has been discovered that commercial dog food contain preservatives that destroys the kidneys.

In fact, it has been discovered that dog food contains at least 6 deadly chemicals that have been banned from human foods because they cause:

Kidney cancer Bladder cancer Skin cancer Stomach cancer Spleen cancer Leukemia Liver dysfunction Major organ failure Immune system collapse Severe allergic reactions Birth Defects Blindness Chronic Diarrhea Hair Loss and Behavior problems, including increased aggressiveness --> very dangerous if your dog is around children

Our dog's food contains dead pets, mostly cats and dogs!

The city of Los Angeles alone, for example, sends some two hundred tons of euthanized cats and dogs to a pet food plant every month. Not only is this immoral and disgusting... it's deadly.

The true horror is the drug used to kill these stray and abandoned animals, Sodium Pentobarbital, is not broken down by the manufacturing process and is still present in active form in your dog's food!!

And dog food companies don't stop with pets, your dog is also eating euthanized animals from zoos, animal control and putrid, decaying road kill.

All of these dead animals and other ghastly materials are processed until the portion left over for dog food production is a brown powder, which consists of ... 25% fecal matter - yes, 25% animal crap! [Author, Howard F. Lyman]

Increase the Lifespan of your Dog by 134% Now

"This Is What You Must Do, Starting Today, If You Want Your Dog To Live.."

If you want to save your dog from the horrific death suffered by hundreds of other dogs in your local area, probably in the last year alone, then you MUST follow these 3 steps:

Step 1 - Stop using commercial dog food as your dog's only or main source of food. This step is the most important and you should make the change in the next couple of days.

But you can't make this change unless you have a good alternative plan in place. I can show you a proven alternative plan, it's much easier than you think and much cheaper than you're spending now. I'll get to that very soon.

Step 2 - Learn how to read commercial dog food labels. I understand it's not practical for most people to never use commercial dog food ever again. Although not best case, you can use it sparingly for maybe a few meals during the week. (If this is you, you need to hear about The Confidential Dog Food Report.. I mention it in Step 3 below)

The Grocery Manufacturers of America, the National Food Processors Association, and the Pet Food Institute join together and fight the FDA to keep the terms used as confusing and misleading as possible. I learned how to decipher their deliberate 'double-talk' and I'll show you how to understand it too...again, that's coming soon.

Step 3 - Get some healthy, well-balanced dog food recipes and start feeding your dog home made food. I have a huge collection I'm happy to share with you.

It's very easy, if you know how to cook specifically for dogs. Just cook a large batch, freeze it and it can be eaten over several days. But be sure you have a good source of recipes written especially for dogs because they have very specific requirements, different to humans.

It's possible to love your dog to death with too much of the wrong foods.

Increase the Lifespan of your Dog by 134% Now

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